St. Benedict's Parish "> St. Benedict's Parish | A Beginner's Guide to the Latin Mass

Is this your first time to St. Benedict’s and the Traditional Latin Mass?

You are not alone! All over the world people are rediscovering the treasure that has been at the heart of the Catholic Liturgy since the first century. Do not feel out of place if you are not familiar with Latin (you will see most people reading a translation) or if the actions on the altar look different – this same Mass was known by Roman Catholics around the world for centuries!
Many people who have never attended a Traditional Latin Mass have concerns about what to expect from the experience. However, the purpose of the Ordinary Form (“Novus Ordo”) and Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite are the same – to give glory to God through adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and supplication as expressed through the liturgical prayers and actions of the priests during the Mass.
The terms Extraordinary Form of the Mass, the Traditional Latin Mass, the Latin usus antiquior and the Tridentine Mass are all terms used to describe Masses celebrated in the Roman Rite in accordance with the liturgical books of 1962, as expressed in the Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum of Pope Benedict XVI.
The parishioners and priests at St. Benedict’s are friendly and welcoming, so feel free to ask questions about the Catholic faith as well as elements of the Latin Mass that may be confusing or different from your regular Mass experience.

St. Benedict’s Parish

521 McCosh Drive, Chesapeake, Virginia 23320 | 757.543.0561 (Office) | 757.543.3510 (Fax) | frdam